Surface and Spider Veins Treatment
Until recently, treatment for surface and spider veins was a long and painful process that involved needles and other invasive procedures, sometimes even surgery. New light-based therapies are allowing physicians to successfully treat many types of unsightly veins, simply and non-invasively.
Intense Pulsed Light is the treatment of choice for surface veins and spider veins, while greatly improving the overall appearance of the skin. In addition to treating blood vessels, IPL provides dramatic results for a variety of benign conditions that are common to the aging face, including age spots, sun-induced freckles, symptoms of rosacea, birthmarks, unsightly veins, acne scarring and other blemishes. Treatments are well tolerated and patients quickly return to their normal activities.
Aging, sun exposure and other factors can cause the appearance of broken capillaries and blood vessels on the face known as telangiectasias, which appear as spider veins. Sometimes broken capillaries can cause a diffused redness in the skin, called erythema, a source of social embarrassment for many people. Rosacea is a common skin condition that is characterized by diffused erythema. All of these conditions respond well to IPL.
For unsightly veins on the legs, IPL is capable of addressing these lesions. During treatment, Intense Pulsed Light or laser light is absorbed by the blood in these small veins, heating and destroying the vessels. Over time the destroyed veins are reabsorbed and disappear.
Your Consultation - Surface and Spider Veins
An initial consultation is required for all laser and IPL procedures. We invite you to schedule a private consultation with Dr. David Thao, one of Minnesota's top board certified plastic surgeon, to explore your Laser and IPL treatment options. During the consultation all aspects of your proposed treatment will be discussed including preparation, relative risks, recovery, range of fees, and financing options. Woodbury Plastic Surgery in Minnesota is committed to caring for the whole person by educating, nurturing and comforting our patients in a safe, professional environment.